Friday, September 25, 2009

I'm Back!!!! (Hopefully for real!)

OK, so I know that like, I haven't been posting at all, I haven't talked about like any recent stuff but anyway, I'm like seriously gonna try and update my blog more often. Anyway, if anyone actually is reading this, I would love it if you would let me know, so post a comment or e-mail me! Add ImageSo see ya! And I LOVE YOU ALL!!!!!!!!

Thursday, July 30, 2009


So, day before yesterday, I got my shots. I got three, the Tdap booster, Chicken pox, and this one shot that I'd never heard of before. My arms were really sore yesteday, and are still pretty sore today, though not as much. I guess there isn't really much more to say. And they all lived happily ever after.

Monday, May 25, 2009


OK, I know I haven't been writing for like, forever, but I'm going to try posting regularly again. So like, if I haven't posted for a week, e-mail me or something and tell me I need to get with it. Because at Young Womens yesterday (yes, I am in young womens!!!) We learned about personal records, like Journals, Diaries, scrapbooks, and another thing that was mentioned was blogs. When that was mentioned, I said that I had a blog, but I never posted on it. So then I got to thinking, I should probably get posting!!